Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines: Heroes & Relics

Believe that some good thing is possible, find the principle that makes it so, put the principle into practice, there you have it Freedom              Richard Bach

As related in the previous two posts, Remembered Sky certainly flows from my own personal experiences with aviation, but its future depends heavily upon the people either in or related to those stories to expand the storyline on the basis and through their own perception, and then on relating their further adventures.

In a sense the site is a series of branches and sequels, but it requires firm grounding in the history of all the men, machines, organizations, and action that made the adventures possible. To that end, I have begun a Blogroll of other aviation sites and links to tales of various magnificent men/women and their certainly magnificent airships. Expect updates periodically and recommendations most welcome.

In addition, Tabs have been added for more robust items – series, videos, photographs. I never tire of watching the Dreamers video, and so I confess, some of this is as much for my own pleasure as for the reader. Paradise is a personal thing, you know.  Enjoy.

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